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Major and  Career Goals

I am currently an exploratory student. Up until the first few months of my freshman year, I thought that I was one-hundred precent sure of what I wanted to do as a profession, but as it turned out, I was not as passionate about it as I thought I was and since I spent so long being settled on what I wanted to do, I never really explored any other options. Now that I am exploring other areas, I have found that I am interested in majors like psychology, forensic science, law, and criminal justice. Now that I think back to when I was younger, I have always been very interested in finding out why people do the things that they do and what would motivate them to take actions that they know are deemed wrong. I am, again, not entirely sure what I want my future to hold, however, I think that a couple careers that may be interesting for me are a forensic psychologist or a detective. Since all of these are just ideas of what I want to do, the biggest goal of mine at the moment is to get my priorities in order and try to make sure that whatever career or major that I end up choosing is really a good fit for me and my values. As I move into my second semester and explore other majors and careers with new classes, I hope that I will get a clearer picture of what I want my future to hold and look like. 

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