First Year Experience
When I was applying to college, IUPUI was not originally on the list of colleges that I was planning on applying to, however, when I got an email from the college that I originally wanted to go to stating that I could not attend there, I decided that IUPUI might be the next best home for me. When I went to orientation, I remember being terrified because I had never toured the campus before and I was afraid that I would be behind everyone else in a sense of knowing the campus, but the day turned out to be alright other than the fact that they separated our parents from us during the class enrollment process. I remember the week before bridge, I was miserable and I would've rather done anything else than go to school for the whole week and sit in a room with a bunch of people I didn't know, however, I think that bridge was one of my favorite times so far in college because I got a great first year seminar teacher and mentor and I was also able to make many friends that week. A lot of time has passed from bridge to now, but I have definitely used the skills that I learned during bridge to help me make it through my first semester of college. One significant learning experience I had this semester was dropping anatomy. This was a very hard decision for me because I do not like to admit that I have failed or accept help. This made me see that unlike high school, college was not going to come easy to me and I would have to put in hard work and time in order to do well. Some strengths that I learned I have include organizational skills and consistently turning things in by the deadline. Some weaknesses that I have are staying disciplined and procrastinating. For example, for every speech that I have given this semester, I have waited until the night before I had to give the speech to even pick a topic, but I still got it done in time. An example of my organizational skills is the planner that I keep that helps me with staying on top of my assignments and turning things in on time. The biggest lesson that I have learned this semester is that failure is okay. Before college, school always came very naturally to me and I never really had to try very hard so when I found out that in college, I would have to take ample time and put in effort to study, it was a shock to me. Especially when I wasn't doing well in anatomy, I quickly learned that I would have to fail and keep learning in order to make it through college and really all of my life that is to come.